
All inclusive packages - three nights of lodging, all meals, workshops, performances, use of rehearsal spaces and equipment - all in a luxury summer camp setting in the Catskill Mountains

Package Types





Policies & Cancellations

Your decision to register constitutes your acknowledgement of and consent to all of the registration, payment and cancellation terms and conditions listed below:

Registration and Payments

Rates are per-person and subject to applicable processing fees
All registrations and payments are 100% non-refundable

Due to the nature of our events and strict cancellation policies, Music Masters Collective strongly suggests purchasing travel insurance.

Music Masters Collective Inc., reserves the right to refuse a sale, reject a sale, deny admission, or remove from an event, any person for any reason, including but not limited to, any harm or potential harm that person might cause, violation of the law, threats, disorderly behavior, failure to make timely payment, illegal activity, or for any other reason that is not prohibited by law.


If registering for a double occupancy package, your room will be Shared with one roommate. Specific roommates may be requested. If one is not requested, you will be assigned a roommate of the same gender identity. You will have the option to indicate your roommate preference, and if you would prefer one queen bed, on your registration form.

Note: We cannot hold a spot for someone unless they are registered. Roommates must select the same package and indicate each other as roommate preference on their registration forms.


Music Masters Collective events are designed for participants 18 years or older. Minors are not permitted at Full Moon Resort without their legal guardian or other adult designated by the participant’s legal guardian as chaperone. For more information, please contact us at (845) 254-8009 or